Gather around and let me tell you a story....
Several years ago, my ex-husband (yes I was....we’ll talk later...) and I were visiting my parents. At the time, we lived in Kalamazoo so we were staying with them for the weekend. My bedroom had been turned into a storage room, so we were sleeping in the room that had been my little sister’s room.
*More on the pain of watching your parents slowly replace you with boxes 😜 and the nostalgia of sleeping in your late sister’s room, surrounded by her earthly possessions, later.
Here is some, need to know, information about my parents’ home: It is a beautifully unique home in a neighborhood called The University District, on the west side of Detroit - Many claim us. The Prez hates us. Detroit vs. Everybody.
I digress…
The house has radiant heating, which is a fancy way of saying that the walls, ceilings, and floors are heated by copper pipes that run behind them carrying water. It translates into not having cold feet in the morning and the occasional haunted house sound of that water turning on and rushing throughout the house.
Back to the story.
So picture it: It’s the wee hours of the morning and we’re knocked out when all of a sudden I wake up. When I wake up, I hear a single piece of stucco hit the comforter (more on my inherited sentinel senses later - y’all 👏🏾I. 👏🏾 Have. 👏🏾Stories.).
A piece of stucco falling is not odd in an old house. However, on that night I immediately got an urgent sense to GET OUT! I jumped up while trying to wake him (he was confused and half asleep, but moved 🙌🏾) and grabbed our bags and things….
When I crossed the threshold, something said to close the door. I gently did that because I was GROWN grown, but not fool enough to slam a door in the Robinson household. The minute I pulled the door closed there was a deafening crash that woke my parents and sent them running.😳
When I cracked open the door - I couldn’t open it past a crack - the whole room and everything in it was crushed under the debris.
I immediately fell to my knees, thanking and praising God for our lives! I can only imagine the likelihood that we would not be here, much less me being able to type this post, had we been laying in that bed.
Why is this the first post on my new blog?
I want you to understand a few things about me before we start on this new and exciting journey:
I know every second that I am breathing, there is work for me to do. I have seen my life almost come to an end on many occasions when there was no reason I should still be here, BUT GOD!
It has taken me my whole life to begin to understand and operate in the divine design I was created with. The journey to this moment has given me a passion to draw that empowering and life-changing knowledge out of others.
Transparency is the name of the game...ANY GAME...if you are not willing to be authentic and judiciously transparent, you are not ready to make the impact that you’re here to make. My goal is to show you the power of your story and help you craft it for maximum impact. That starts with telling my own.
I am led by the Word of God and the Holy Spirit. That state of giving me a divine insight that has surprised and enriched myself and others...and I’m just getting started! God has made me a dreamer, and storyteller, and extremely perceptive and empathetic. That is a quadfecta that makes me an incredibly gifted and impactful storyteller. It has taken years of self-realization and encouragement from others for me to be able to boldly type that, yall!
Every time I think about this particular moment in my life, I am reminded to NEVER sacrifice my divinely sensitive ear. I will protect it at all costs! So, that makes me VERY selective about how I spend my time and who I connect with and work with.
Now that you know a little more me, sound off below!
Who are you? Do you have a story similar to this one to tell? Do you want to know more? Do you need help telling a personal or brand story? Do you have questions, comments, or concerns? All of the above?
Let’s connect!